Salmon People Gathering & Who we are! 

June 14th, 2024


“Like the miner’s canary, the Indian marks the shift from fresh air to poison gas in our political atmosphere; and our treatment of Indians, even more than our treatment of other minorities, reflects the rise and fall in our democratic faith.”        

- Felix S. Cohen


Who are the Salmon People?

To further this discussion on who we are, Darrell Hillaire mentioned that "We should view the Salmon population (or lack thereof) similar to the miner’s canary. We are salmon people, we are here to share our stories. We take care of things that care for us. We and the environment are not separate. If the salmon are not there, this means we need to drastically change, take collective action, and answer the call on how we live. My question to you all is: how do we create, build that hope, and resilience?"


Salmon People Gathering 2024

We gathered Tribal leaders from all over the region to discuss salmon habitat revival, focusing on lessons learned from the Klamath River and Elwha River dam removals. The gathering served as a pathway for collaboration efforts, shared wisdom, and upcoming endeavors on dam removal activism and climate justice. Working together regardless of our differences emerged as a key strategy for collaboration, with attendees renewing their commitment to salmon conservation and ecosystem protection. Wykeklyaa CurleyBear who attended the event stated, "Seeing the Iron Gate Reservoir was a powerful experience, revealing the  beauty of nature and the profound impact of restoration efforts. The ongoing removal of these dams marks a historic moment as rivers are returned to their natural states, healing the river and its salmon for their people. This significant endeavor promises a renewed and thriving ecosystem for future generations."


Part II: The Maquette Billy Frank Jr. Statue Project

Be sure to check out latest produced video by Children of the Setting Sun Productions, with additional footage by Ray Whitehouse and the Architect of the Capitol. Special thanks to Nisqually Indian Tribe, ArtsWA, and The Billy Frank Jr. Statue Project.


Children of the Setting Sun Productions is a 501 (c)3 non-profit

that relies on the graciousness of others. If you feel inspired, make a tax deductible donation.

Hy'shqe \o/

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