1600 Students Attend Treaty Day Film Festival!
January 19th, 2024
The first day of the Treaty Day Film Festival was a success!
The morning kicked off with an opening blessing by the Westshore Canoe Family and opening remarks by Lummi Chairman Anthony Hillaire. Almost 1600 enthusiastic 4th and 7th grade students from the Bellingham School District gathered at the Mount Baker Theater on Tuesday to watch an hour-long short film program, along with a lively Q&A.
Lummi Chairman Anthony Hillaire, CSSP Executive Director and former Lummi Chairman Darrell Hillaire, Joshua Hillaire, Koda Kowakone, Valley Hillaire (4th grade).
"We have a shared history, and we cannot tell the history of Bellingham without telling the history of Lummi Nation. It means we have a responsibility to each other. You children are the future, the future leaders, the future ones to stand up here, you are going to grow up knowing that there is a certain relationship that we have to uphold. And in our time together, knowing that the more we find understanding and love for each other, the better that we are all going to be.” - Chairman Anthony Hillaire
Unfortunately, the snowstorm postponed our Wednesday program for the 11th grade students. We are eager to continue working with Bellingham Public Schools to ensure that we continue to share and teach these stories to as many young minds as possible.
We're Sold Out!
The Saturday programming for the Treaty Day Film Festival at the Pickford Film Center is sold out!
We are grateful for your continued support and thank all of you for taking a step in creating a community built on unity!
Don't forget - our exclusive tribal community screening is TONIGHT!
Doors open @5pm | Silver Reef Casino
No admission tickets needed | Free movie snacks provided
Free for tribal community members!
CSSP Interviews Governor Inslee and Indigenous Leaders
CSSP was at the Washington State Capitol Building for the unveiling of the Billy Frank Jr. Statue maquette. In 2021, Washington State passed legislation to send a statue of Indigenous activist and humanitarian Billy Frank Jr. to replace the statue of Marcus Whitman in the National Statuary Hall. The legislation notes that “Billy Frank Jr. dedicated his life to advocating for equality, justice, and environmental protections. He fought to protect tribal treaty rights, native cultures and traditions, and the natural resources they are based upon.”
In January 2023, artist Haiying Wu was selected to create the art piece, and the statue is currently slated for installation in 2025. CSSP, together with the Frank family, Nisqually Tribe, WA State Arts Commission, will produce a short series documenting the statue from its first developments to its final erection in the United States Capitol.
Children of the Setting Sun Productions is a 501 (c)3 non-profit
that relies on the graciousness of others. If you feel inspired, make a tax deductible donation.
Hy'shqe \o/
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