Welcome Back!
May 17th, 2024
A Note from Darrell Hillaire
“I am thankful for today and appreciate your patience in this short absence from your lives, but we have so much to share with you today. Stay tuned in the future as we go through the spring and summer months as we have more stories that we would love to have you be part of...”
Orcas Island Return
Children of the Setting Sun were honored to bring our work and share our stories in a gallery exhibit on our ancestral homeland at Orcas Island. Thank you to The Orcas Center for inviting us to return home in March and April, when we hosted a Hy’shqe dinner and shared one of our films with the Orcas community.
It’s good to share with new friends the memories of our ancestors, share a traditional salmon dinner, share our gratitude, and deepen empathy and awareness of the struggles we are working to survive today. Hyʻshqe!
Our CSSP team members traveled to Minneapolis, MN to attend the Native Americans in Philanthropy annual conference. Attendees included community leaders, practitioners, and learners at the intersection of philanthropy, Native Advocacy, and Tribal sovereignty to collaborate on ways to be involved in the movement to Indigenize Philanthropy.
Haley Garreau, Roy Nicol, and Noelani Auguston lead a session during this conference on Young Voices in Story Choices that focused on the youth involvement during our first dramatic narrative project, The Sound. It is so important for our Indigenous youth to be involved and represented in the media they consume. To learn more about The Sound, click here.
Salmon People Film
We wanted to let you know about two private screenings of "Scha’nexw Elhtal’nexw Salmon People: Preserving a Way of Life" shown at the Pickford Film Center. The screenings will take place on May 17th at 10:30 am and May 18th at 8:30 am.
While this event is private in nature, inclusivity lies at the heart of our mission. We hope to host many more screenings of this film and others in the near future - stay tuned!
Salmon Ceremony
The Lummi Nation's First Salmon Ceremony holds a special place in our hearts as a significant cultural tradition, marking the return of salmon to their ancestral waters. It's a deeply spiritual and ceremonial occasion that beautifully showcases the Lummi people's profound connection to their land, water, and the salmon. This cherished ceremony is held once a year with traditional songs, dances, and prayers. This day is to honor the salmon, express gratitude for their bountiful presence, and gently remind us of the importance of sustainable fishing practices.
Children of the Setting Sun Productions is a 501 (c)3 non-profit
that relies on the graciousness of others. If you feel inspired, make a tax deductible donation.
Hy'shqe \o/
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