Let's Celebrate Black History Month Together 

February 8, 2024


Not only in the month of February, but especially now, we celebrate Black History, in honor of the shared lived experience of oppression of Black and Indigenous people in these lands. We grieve together. We join together. We celebrate the long journey and continued labor towards equality and equity that we share. As we uphold and honor some beloved Black heroes and heroines this month, we also know that there is more work to be done, and that the journey is far from over. Keep an eye on our social media to learn more about who we are honoring, and why. 

As we continue to commemorate Black History Month and recognize the ongoing struggle for equality and equity, it's essential to engage with resources that amplify Black voices, stories, and contributions. Support black owned businesses, find local events to attend, and read books by black authors. 

10 Books by Black and Afro-Indigneous Authors | NDN Collective


Moon of the Windy Time

The moon around late January into February is the Moon of the Windy Time. Earth begins to awaken in the late winter and living creatures begin to emerge from their dormant states. During this moon, the Swinomish people continue to fish for Chinook salmon in the bays and rivers. Sea-run cutthroat trout and steelhead are also fished.

Children of the Setting Sun collaborated with the Swinomish people to create a video series corresponding to the 13 Moon's Curriculum, offering a video for each moon. The 13 Moon’s Curriculum was developed by the Swinomish Community Environmental Health program with the goal to create an informal and scalable model of environmental health education through the lens of first foods and resources. To access the curriculum, and see the activities for this month, click here.


Best of YAI 2023! 

Young and Indigenous Podcast is an outlet created by indigenous youth to give perspective, voice ideas and concerns, and share stories that have been, until now, untold. By listening to the voices of our ancestors, we are reclaiming our narrative and preserving our way of life. 

Best of YAI 2023 is a compilation of all of our favorite moments from the past year. From conversations with cultural knowledge keepers, to group sessions filmed live with the YAI team, we got you covered! 

Listen to ‘Best of YAI’ here!

Children of the Setting Sun Productions is a 501 (c)3 non-profit

that relies on the graciousness of others. If you feel inspired, make a tax deductible donation.

Hy'shqe \o/

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Celebrating Community, Honoring Milestones, Treading Lightly


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