River Restoration and Uplifting Voices!

May 31st, 2024


“Every society needs educated people, but the primary responsibility of educated people is to bring wisdom back into the community and make it available to others so that the lives they are leading make sense.”
— Vine Deloria Jr.


Vine Deloria Jr. Symposium

The Vine Deloria Jr. Symposium at Northwest Indian College in Lummi Nation is an annual event honoring the legacy of Vine Deloria Jr., a renowned Native American author and activist. This year, CSSP’s Free Borsey spoke about his art piece created for the event. The symposium unites elders, scholars, activists, students, and community members in vibrant discussions, exploring innovative solutions to contemporary challenges faced by Indigenous communities.


Salmon People Gathering 2024

We are excited to announce the upcoming Salmon People Gathering on the Klamath River, taking place from June 3rd to the 4th. We'll be joined by stakeholders and local tribal leaders dedicated to reviving and restoring salmon habitats along the West Coast. This event provides a crucial platform for us to come together, exchange insights, and recommit ourselves to this essential cause. 


An important part of these gatherings is our talking circles. In the past, we have used this time to uplift our matriarchs around themes of advocacy, resilience and our interconnectedness in a women-only talking circle.

At this year's gathering, we are doing things differently by organizing three talking circles that explore the past, present, and future of our rivers' journeys. One circle will delve into the Elwha River's story and how our people achieved victories in restoring its natural flow. Another circle will focus on the present, discussing the historic efforts surrounding the largest dam removal project in history on the Klamath River. The third circle will envision the way forward, examining how we can apply our collective wisdom and lived experiences to the mission of un-damming the Snake River.


Children of the Setting Sun Productions is a 501 (c)3 non-profit

that relies on the graciousness of others. If you feel inspired, make a tax deductible donation.

Hy'shqe \o/

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Salmon People Gathering & Who we are! 


Exciting things coming up!