Exciting things coming up!

May 24th, 2024


“All things are bound together, all things connect. Whatever befalls the earth, befalls also the children of the earth.”

- Oren Lyons


Salmon People Gathering 2024

In the coming weeks, our team will be hosting a Salmon People Gathering on the Klamath River with others who share our passion for reviving and restoring salmon habitats along the West Coast. This annual event is an important opportunity to come together, learn from each other's experiences, and renew our commitment to this vital cause. We look forward to discussing lessons learned from dam removal efforts in various rivers throughout the Salmon Nations and how those lessons can guide our ongoing work to restore healthy habitats and salmon populations. 

To learn more about these gatherings you can watch Our Sacred Obligation. This film recounts the history of the Yurok Tribe’s struggle against the colonization of the Klamath River and showcases some powerful moments from our very first gathering in Celilo Falls, OR.


New Young & Indigenous Podcast Episodes

Join Wykeeks and Roy as they sit down with their mothers to delve into the true essence of motherhood. Through heartfelt interviews, they explore the profound experiences and emotions that define motherhood, from reminiscing about the past to the challenges of parenting in the present.


Listen to: Celebrating Mother's Day!

Darrell Grey, with 30 years at Nooksack Salmon Enhancement Association, has led conservation efforts. James Vanderhoort, a recent graduate, will succeed him under Darrell's mentorship, celebrating NSEA's 2023 milestone of planting over 30,000 native plants to combat climate change.

Listen to: Balance of the Natural World


Moon of the Digging Time

Much of May is the Moon of the Digging Time because the roots of many plants are dug during this time. Swinomish people traditionally consumed a variety of nutritious root foods, including bracken fern, camas, cattail, nodding onion, and tiger lily.

During this moon, plant harvesters travel to the bright blue camas fields to harvest large quantities of this nutritious root. At the end of this moon, other plants are ready to harvest, including salmonberries, currants, gooseberries, wild onions, elderberries, and thimbleberries. Shellfish harvest and curing continues. The spring Chinook run is strong during this moon.

The 13 Moon’s Curriculum was developed by the Swinomish Community Environmental Health program with the goal to create an informal and scalable model of environmental health education through the lens of first foods and resources. To learn more about the 13 Moons Cycle and curriculum click here!

Children of the Setting Sun Productions is a 501 (c)3 non-profit

that relies on the graciousness of others. If you feel inspired, make a tax deductible donation.

Hy'shqe \o/

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River Restoration and Uplifting Voices!


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